Dana Bash (CNN) asked Nikki Haley about her pledge to support whomever the Republican nominee will be, with a very specific question.

Note that within 2 seconds Dana tries to downplay that pledge which they now oppose because it will help Trump.

“You made a pledge A LONG TIME AGO, before the republican debates even started to support the nominee, do you still feel that way, are you still going to support, I mean it’s you and Donald Trump!
So if it’s not you, and I know you hope it will be and are working so it is, but if it’s not, if it’s Donald Trump, will you support him as the nominee still?”

Haley refused to answer the question, only changed the subject with “it is going to be me.”

Any real journalist would have pressed her to answer that question, but not Dana. Dana, just lets that answer slide right by. Wonder why?

Isn’t it funny how It was CNN’s bright idea to force all of the candidates to take this pledge, prior to the debate, and also on stage, only because they wanted to get Trump saying No again, and they expected him to well on his way to the Gulags by now, but now it’s backfiring on them because Trump is winning, and they’d all piss their pants with glee and anoint their new hero if someone would just violate their pledge, for the good of the country, you know, because it’s the eNd of DeMoCrAcY!!!

Haley: “I’m going to finish this so Joe Biden and Donald Trump are not an issue at all! That we actually put this in the past and we go forward”

That scary Constitution

When people were asked to rank issues, immigration was at the top of the list, but Democracy and the Constitution – it was VERY high.

Dana sounds like she’s talking about the amount of lead in your water.

Then she does the “THOSE people” thing, those slimy creatures….

What is your message about why you think, to those people, who are looking at that issue, why you don’t think Donald Trump is the right candidate, if they care about the democracy and const – and the constitution?

Get her to say Biden and Trump are “Equally Bad” !!